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What is headband wig?

A headband wig is exactly what it sounds like: A wig where the hairline is masked with a headband. Place it on your head and depending on the quality, hair texture and curl type, you can easily pass it off as your hair without worrying about hair glue, blending or leaving out your natural hair.

Why are headband wigs so popular?

Headband wigs don't need glue, which helps protect the scalp. This appearance can completely protect people's naturally curly hair. UniWigs' headband wigs are designed for safety, so there is no need to apply glue or adhesive to the edges or hairlines. A simple and safe hairstyle design method.

Can i sleep in a headband wig?

The short answer is: It's not recommended. But if you must, you have some options. Generally, this is something you want to avoid as much as possible but there may be moments when you don't feel comfortable taking your wig off before bed around guests or just feel too tired – don't worry we have some options for you!

Bob Wig
Deep Wave ,Loose Wave And Body Wave
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