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  3. Something of V Part Wig

v-part wigs, aka ¾ wigs, are hair extensions that are sewn on a V-shaped wig cap that features fine sheer mesh and clips underneath. Typically, U-part wigs come in an array of sizes to suit your needs. You can choose a center, middle, or side U-part to achieve your desired style.

V-Part wigs are full wigs that can be latched onto your head with clips, leaving a small v-shaped opening at the top, which gives you the ability to blend your hair with the wig.

Can you swim with V Part Wig?

If synthetic wigs are more your speed, you can still swim with them, but note that you want to keep the contact between the water and your wig to the absolute bare minimum. Otherwise, prolonged exposure could lead to your wig looking less than fresh a lot sooner than you'd like.

Something About Extention Hair
Something about T Part Wig
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